Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A word about paper QSL's

A lot has happened in my life since my DXpeditions! I have moved back home to Fort Worth, Texas due to a job promotion and I have returned to college with the ultimate goal of completing a post-graduate degree. Due to increased commitments at work and my return to school I have not been able to process any paper QSL's for either C6AQW or J75W to date. I apologize to everyone who has sent me a card. I promise that I will process all cards starting this fall and will complete by the end of the year (2008). Please do not send me another card. I have all cards received stored in a safe place. The good news is that all logs for both DXpeditons were uploaded to Logbook of The World (LOTW) shortly after their completion. I would encourage everyone who has not already joined LOTW to join at It is a wonderful way to quickly (and cheaply) get DXCC confirmations. Apologies again for the delay, but I promise to complete and mail all paper QSL's by the end of 2008. 73, Alan, WQ5W/C6AQW/J75W

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

About Me

This blog will share my thoughts and experiences in my life both personal and as they relate to my hobby of Amateur Radio. I have been a licensed Amateur (ham) Radio operator since 1985 when I was 15 years old. I have travelled all over the world to operate my radio. I enjoy going on these trips, called DXpeditions, and operating radio contests on them. I am a life-member of the U.S. national Amateur Radio organization called the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). If you want to find out more about this fascinating hobby, please visit their website @ For the next few years, however, I will have little or no time for my hobby. I am currently spending almost all of my time outside of work in college. I am currently working on finishing up my Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA). My return to school has been extremely difficult, but extremely rewarding so far. My heavy course load combined with working full-time leaves almost no “free” time to do anything else. I do work hard to make time to spend with my family. Other than that, I only allow myself two other guilty pleasures every week: watching The Office on Thursday nights and watching that week’s Dallas Cowboy and/or Manchester United football games! I must say, though, that school has been extremely rewarding so far. At this point in my life, I really enjoy learning. I’m not sure I would have had the same thirst for knowledge if I had done this earlier in life. I look forward to every course and to trying to achieve the best possible grade I’m capable of. I plan to graduate with my MBA by December 2012. Thanks for reading-hope you enjoy my ramblings in the blog!

ZF2TG Story

Here's a link to all the info on my 1992 Dxpedition and CQWW CW effort from Little Cayman Island as ZF2TG:

Amazingly enough, the North American 40M record I set in the contest still stands to this day!

Please note that the QSL address listed on the page is no longer correct. My current address is on if you still need a card.

VP2M/WQ5W Story

Here's a link to all the details on my first ever Dxpediton as VP2M/WQ5W and the 1988 World #1 M/S operation in CQWW I was a part of:

It includes the story I wrote that was published in the National Contest Journal (NCJ) and many photos.

It sure doesn't seem like over 20 years have passed since this operation. I have lost track of Ron, AA5DX over the years and Bill Carter, KM5R, passed away many years ago (R.I.P. Bill).

V31RR Website

Here's my attempt at a website for my V31RR DXpedition in 2004:

I haven't updated this since 2004 and don't plan to again. However, some detailed info on this DXpedition and Belize is contained there.

WQ5W Website

I haven't updated my web page in years, and don't plan to do so anymore.

Blogging lets me publish everything I want to the web, and the format is so much quicker and easier to use than html.

However, if you want to find out about my old station/towers in Azle, Texas from 2000-2007 , my previous DXpeditions (VP2M/WQ5W, ZF2TG, Thailand etc.) and some cool recordings I made on 6M please see:

Just be aware that the information is outdated (address, logbooks etc.), and will not be updated.