Sunday, October 14, 2007


Welcome to the C6AQW/J75W/V25W blog. I'm Alan, WQ5W. I will be operating as C6AQW from Treasure Cay, Abaco Island in the Bahamas from October 25-31, 2007, from Dominica November 21-28 as J75W and from Antigua as V25W November 30-December 2 . The purpose of this blog is to give you news from the trips and insight into the preparations for the trips. I hope it can serve as instructive for those preparing their own DXpeditions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Alan,
Great posts and enjoyed reading your exploits. I am also member of FCG as K6CT/CX7TT. Have done many mini-contest peditiions since 1978 to VP2V, C6, TI, V3, KH9, etc. I found that using a vertical on the islands typically work better than low dipoles. Last time in BVI, Fred, K9VV and I (VP2VVV) used 70ft (almost vertical) piece of wire with ground wire thrown into sea water, thru tuner...worked great! Good luck on upcoming trips.